Friday, March 30, 2012

Dry Eye Syndrome- New Research, Treatment Options, Economics and More

In the area of dry eye research. A lot of work has been done by some of the brightest minds in both optometry and ophthalmology, and one of the best places to discover the latest developments in dry eye is at the annual Association of Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) meeting. This is a summary of what is being discussed in the ARVO abstracts published in the journal Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. The information can also be found online at

Alternative Treatments

1. Acupuncture
Acupuncture is among the oldest healing practices in the world. As part of traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture aims to restore and maintain health through the stimulation of specific points on the body. The procedure has been touted as a treatment for low back pain, lung cancer and Attention Deficiet Disorder. Thus it seems logical to investigate if there is any benefit in dry eye disease. A team of researchers from the U.S. Army performed acupuncture on seventeen volunteers with dry eye and found "there was no significant improvement in the measured clinical indicators of dry eye after acupuncture treatment.


The traditional method is to use lissamine green staining for the diagnosis of conjunctivitis. However, this dye then to dissipate over time and becomes less effective. Common protocol for sodium fluorescein staining usually entails immediate viewing after immediate instillation, but this study showed immediate viewing of lissamine green after instillation resulted in higher mean staining grades than at the two minute time point. The study concluded that a “false staining appearance occurs upon immediate instillation of lissamine green.

Economics of Dry Eye Treatment

The rising cost of prescription medications is a concern to all patients, and doctors alike, and dry eye medications are no exception. _Prescription eye drop is costly even after insurance payments to the patients. A group from Bascom Palmer retrospectively analyzed trends in dry eye medication use and expenditures from 2001 to 2006 and found the mean expenditure per patient per year increasing from $55 in 2001 to $299 by 2006. The group’s finding was "strongly driven by the introduction of Prescription Eye Drop in 2003 as 84% of prescriptions filled and 91% of expenditures in 2005-06 were related to Prescripion Eye Drop.  "The study found that women spent twice as much as men on dry eye medications ($244 versus $122) and that patients with greater than a high school education spent on average 2.5 times as much on dry eye medication as those with less than a high school education ($250 versus $100).

Another interesting study of dry eye economics came from Duke University where researchers studied punctual plug usage and reimbursement in Medicare patients. The group sought to determine whether changes in Medicare reimbursement for punctual plug insertion were associated with a decrease in the incidence of plug insertion. The group found that while the Medicare population-adjusted incidence of dry eye diagnosis increased by 28.5% in their study period of 2001-2008, first-time punctual plug insertion rates declined by 23.6%. The researchers also found that Medicare reimbursement for punctual plug insertion decreased 55.3% during the same time period. The authors concluded that the decline in punctual plug insertion “may be associated with the decrease in Medicare reimbursement” but in fact is more likely tied to their second reason for the reduction, “the introduction in 2003 of Prescription Eye Drop.”

Ocular Infections and Dry Eye

People with dry eye seem to have more ocular infections than the normal population. A study in Australia found the “antimicrobial effects of tear proteins decrease in hyperosmolar ( low tear viscosity) conditions leading to enhanced bacterial proliferation,” indicating that “people with hyperosmolar tears or dry eye will have decreased antibacterial defense at the ocular surface.”

Treatment Efficacy

Azithromycin more effective than Doxycycline for Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Contact Lens Dry Eyes

There are several studies concerning the use of topical azithromucin in ocular surface diseases. . Dr. Gary Foulks and his group at the University of Louisville compared the effectiveness of topical azithromucin versus oral doxycycline therapy in meibomian gland dysfunction ( Belpharitis) Twenty-two subjects were treated with topical azithromycin solution for one month and seven subjects were treated with oral doxycycline for two months. The study concluded that while both topical azithromycin and oral doxycycline improved clinical signs and symptoms of meibomian gland dysfunction, the "response to azithromycin is more rapid and more robust than doxycycline."
Yet another study from the Ohio State University School of Optometry evaluated the efficacy of a four-week treatment with topical 1.0% azithromycin solution versus rewetting drops in patients with contact lens related dry eye. An over two-hour improvement in comfortable contact lens wear time was noted throughout the four-week study period with azithromycin solution use.

Glaucoma Therapy not related to Dry Eyes

Several studies explored the effect of topical glaucoma therapy on dry eye. A French group found tear osmolarity increased in patients treated for glaucoma or ocular hypertension (glaucoma), particularly in those using eyedrops with multiple preservatives. Another study from France found the chronic administration of eyedrops containing preservatives may decrease corneal sensitivity in patients treated with intraocular pressure lowering medications. This decrease in corneal sensitivity could explain the absence of correlation between signs and symptoms of dry eye disease in patients treated for glaucoma or ocular hypertension.

TheraLife Eye for Chronic Dry Eye Relief:

TheraLife Eye is an all natural oral formula that treats from inside out! It is uniquely formulated to restore normal cell functions to tear secretion glands intra-cellularly for sustainable, long lasting relief. Clinically proven to work for 80% of first time users.
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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What You Should Know About Watery Eyes/Watery Dry Eyes? Let TheraLife Help!

What  is Watery Eye

Watery eyes occur when there is too much tear production  ( over tear production) or poor drainage of the tear duct.

Major cause of watery eye is Dry Eyes. Treat Dry Eyes with TheraLife Eye and tear over production will stop.  Read On....

Watery eye is the result of irritation or inflammation in or around your eye that causes your eye to increase tear production. One or both of your eyes may become watery. Tears are your eyes’ way of protecting themselves and expelling debris or clearing infections. Watery eye is usually caused by irritation or infection of the eye, injury to the eye from trauma, or a common cold. Other symptoms of eye irritation, including itching, redness, a gritty feeling, and swelling of the eyelids, often accompany watery eyes.

Physical irritants that get in your eye cause watery eye as the body increases tear production to wash away the offending substance, which may be smoke or dust in the air or personal care products such as soap or shampoo. Allergies are a very common cause of watery eyes. An allergy that affects your eyes may be local, such as an allergic reaction to eye makeup, or more generalized, such as hay fever.
Infections or inflammations of the eyelid margin, the area near your eyelashes, are also frequent causes of watery eye. These conditions include blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid margin), chalazion (inflammation of a blocked oil gland in the eyelid margin), and stye or hordeolum (localized bacterial infection of an oil gland or eyelash follicle in the eyelid margin).

In most cases, watery eye is a result of a mild condition and usually resolves on its own. In rare cases, watery eye can be associated with more serious infections or trauma. Because your eyes and vision are vital to your quality of life, be sure to contact your health care provider if you have any eye symptoms that cause you concern.

Watery Eyes Causes
Tears are necessary for the normal lubrication of the eye and to wash away particles and foreign bodies.

In general, anything that irritates or inflames the surface of your eye can cause watery eye. Increased tear production is part of the body’s natural defense system and serves to wash away irritating substances and infectious agents.

Physical irritants, such as smoke or dust in the air or soap and shampoo in your home, increase tear production. Allergies are another very common cause of watery eyes.

Infections or inflammations of the eyelid margin are also frequent causes of watery eye. These conditions include blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelid margin), chalazion (inflammation of a blocked oil gland in the eyelid margin), and stye or hordeolum (localized bacterial infection of an oil gland or eyelash follicle in the eyelid margin).
  • Dry Eyes- A major cause of watery eyes.  Dry eye causes the eyes to become uncomfortable, which stimulates the body to produce too many tears. In the case of over production of tears, the Reflex Tear  the tear that is stimulated by the brain for you  to cry has taken over in an attempt to lubricate your eyes.  Reflex tear is of poor quality and tend to wash away the natural lubricants that your eyes produce, making your eyes drier and drier.  Key reason is, your lacrimal gland which normally produce tears is not functioning properly.   In order to stop tear over production,  you need to get the lacrimal and meibomian glands both to secrete balanced tears.  TheraLife Eye can help you  balance the normal cell functions of your tear secretion glands and stop tear over production.    It is important that you  test for dry eyes when you have watery eyes.
  • Allergy to mold and dust.
  • Blepharitis- read more about how TheraLife eye can help with Blepharitis and Watery Eyes both.
  • Blockage of the tear duct
  • Conjunctivitis
  • Environmental irritants (smog or chemicals in the air, wind, strong light, blowing dust)
  • Eyelid turning inward or outward- causing constant irritation causing watery eyes
  • Foreign bodies and abrasions- causing both dry eyes and watery eyes
  • Infection- both viral and bacterial which can be treated with antibiotics.
  • Inward-growing eyelashes- causing irritation causing eyes to over water.
  • Irritation from allergens – causing over production of tears and constantly watery eyes.
  • Aging is a major cause of water dry eyes because dry eye is a natural process of aging.
Watery Eye Treatment
  • TheraLife Eye for Watery Dry Eyes caused by Chronic Dry Eyes.
  • Antibiotics
  • Artificial tears- for mild cases.
  • Surgery
  • Topical antihistamines- eye drops
If you might have a blockage of the tear system, your doctor may use a probe to test the tear drainage system. This is painless. If you have a blockage, you may have surgery to correct the problem. Minor surgery can fix improper eyelid position.

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Hurwitz JJ. The lacrimal drainage system. In: Yanoff M, Duker JS, eds. Ophthalmology. 3rd ed. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby Elsevier; 2008:chap 12.
Neil K. Kaneshiro, MD, MHA, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Washington School of Medicine. Also reviewed by David Zieve, MD, MHA, Medical Director, A.D.A.M., Inc.
  1. Paul TO; Shepherd R. Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus Watery Dry Eyes 1995 Jul-Aug; 32 (4): 270-1
  2. Maini R; MacEwen CJ; Young JD. The Natural History of Watery Dry Eyes  in Childhood. Eye 1998; 12 (pr 4): 669-71
  3. Mannor GE; Rose GE; Frimpon-Ansah K; Ezra E. Factors Affecting the Success of Nasolacrimal Duct Probing for Congenital Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction. In Watery Dry Eyes Am-J-Ophthalmol 1999 May; 127 (5): 616-7
  4. Aggarwal RK; Misson GP; Donaldson I; Willshaw HE. The Role of Nasolacrimal Intubation in the Management of Childhood Watery Eyes. Eye 1993; 7 (pt 6): 760-2
  5. Beigi B; Okeefe M. Results of Crawford Intubation in Children. Acta Ophthalmol 1993: 71: 405-07
  6. Beigi B; Westlake W; Chang B; Marsh C; Jacob J. Dacrocystorhinostomy in South West England. Eye 1998; 12: 358-62
  7. Guzek JP; Ching AS; Joang TA; Dure-Smith P; Llaurado JG; Yau DC; Stepehson CB; Stephenson CM; Elam DA. Clinical and Radiologic Lacrimal Testing in Patients with Watery Dry Eyes. Ophthalmology 1997 Nov; 104 (11); 1875-81
  8. Irfan S; Cassels-Brown A; Nelson M. Comparison Between Nasolacrimal Syringing/Probing /Macrodacryocystography and Surgical Findings in the Management of Watery Dry Eyes. Eye 1998; 12 (Pt 2); 197-202
  9. Wearne MJ; Pitts J; Frank J; Rose GE. Comparison of Dacryocystography and Lacrimal Scitigraphy in the Diagnosis of Functional Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction in Watery Dry Eyes. Br. J Ophthalmol 1999; 83:1032-1035.
  10. Bakri SJ; Carney As; Downes RN; Jones NS. Endonasal Laser-Assisted Dacryocystorhinostomy. Hosp-Med 1998 Mar; 59 (3): 210-5
  11. Shun-Shin GA. Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy: A Personal Technique. Eye 1998; 12: 467-70
  12. Perry JD; Maus M; Nowinski TS; Penne RB. Balloon Catheter Dilation for Treatment of Adults with Partial Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction: A Preliminary Report. AM-J-Ophthalmol. 1998 Dec; 126 (6): 811-6
  13. Wearne MJ, Beigi B, Davis G, Rose GE. Retrograde Intubation. Dacryocystorhinostomy for Proximal and Midcanalicular Obstruction: Ophthalmology 1999; 106: 2325-2329.
  14. Fulcher T; O'Connor M; Moriarty P. Nasolacrimal Intubation in Adults. Br-J-Ophthalmol 1998 Sep; 82 (9): 1039-41
  15. Psilas K; Eftaxias V; Kastanioudakis J; Kalogeropoulos C. Silicone Intubation as an alternative to Dacryocystorhinostomy for Nasolacrimal Drainage Obstruction in Adults. Eur-J-Ophthalmol 1993 April-June; 3 (2): 71-6
  16. Sadiq SA; Downes RN. Epiphora: A Quick Fix Eye 1998; 12 (pt 3a): 417-8

Monday, March 26, 2012

Treatment for Severe Dry Eyes With Cornea Abrasion

Severe chronic dry eyes left untreated can lead to cornea abrasion and blindness.

Constantly using eye drops only lead to more dry eyes.  TheraLife Eye is unique in how dry eyes is treated.  It normalizes cell functions if tear secretion glands- both meibomian and locrimal intra-cellularly.   It is natural, effective and safe!

Here is a personal story from one such customer.

"I have suffered from dry-eye for nearly 20 years. My eyes would be terribly dry and constantly stinging and really red and bloodshot. A former employer actually accused me of being an alcoholic and drinking during work hours. After using countless different types of eye drops and gels, nothing ever worked. I got a prescription for an eye drop from my family doctor and after enduring 6 months of that expensive nonsense and even worsened redness, I threw it away.
I found TheraLife on the internet.  After starting Theralife capsules along with the fish oil this past March, I am stunned. It took approximately 3-4 weeks and my eyes are nice and white with no burning or stinging. My eyes actually shine with a healthy sheen to them. I am referring everyone that I run across with dry-eye symptoms to call Theralife. I am a Medicare health insurance agent and have over a thousand clients. It's surprising how many people suffer with this ailment.
Thank you Theralife so much for ending my agony. Please feel free to use my testimony."
LA, United States

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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Dry Eye Syndrome- Cataract Surgery Induced- Relieved by TheraLife

Cataract surgery, any eye surgery in that matter, can induce dry eyes. 

This is because of the irregularities created by the surgery on the surface of your cornea- which creates friction, and inflammation when your eyes blink.  Inflammation leads to dry eyes.  TheraLife Eye can easily relief this type of dry eyes by restoring normal tear secretion functions for lasting relief.

Here is a personal story:

I first discovered Theralife when I had my first cataract surgery two years ago.  I had a very dry eye after the surgery and the doctor wanted me to use a prescription Restasis product for the dryness.   It was expensive and besides, I did not want to take another prescription medicine. After a couple of weeks of using Theralife Eye, the dryness was gone.  I actually stopped taking TheraLife Eye and was doing fine.

When I had my second cataract surgery, the dryness and irritation became very severe. So, I went back to TheraLife Eye.  It has worked again, and I would recommend starting to take TheraLife a few weeks before the surgery to promote healing after the surgery, and continue to take it until the eye is healed and comfortable.
H.J.  Maryland

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dry Eye Syndrome Caused by Stress-Tips for Prevention and Relief - TheraLIfe

Stress can cause changes in your body, as well as your emotions. Some of the common symptoms include:
  • Dry Eyes
  • Headache
  • Fatigue – feeling tired
  • Stiff Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Back Pain
  • Sweaty Palms and Feet
  • Upset stomach
  • Depression
Chronic stress can lead to serious long term diseases, including but not limited to: decreased immune systems
  • chronic dry eye symptoms
  • heart diseases
  • chronic muscle pains
  • changes in hormone levels that lead to low fertility
  • weakening lung functions leading to catching colds and flu’s more easily,
  • asthma
  • obstructive lung diseases and
  • worsening of skin problems like acne, eczema and psoriasis
There are not a lot of research studies on stress and dry eyes. However, we can understand the phenomena from how stress affects the circulatory system (How Does Stress Affect the Circulatory System. By Adrian Whittle). Stress causes the blood to produce hormones that increase the blood flow (increase blood pressure) and make blood thicker (causing strokes). As the heart is working harder, the microcirculation of blood to the extremities such as skin, legs, and arms are decreased.
This decrease in blood supply may also include the brain and eyes. Eyes being connected to the brain already has a delicate blood circulation balance. Under stress, blood supply to the brain and eyes are both compromised.

How can TheraLife Help?

Theralife has 2 products that can help. TheraLife Eye and TheraLife Fatigue.
TheraLife Eye works by stimulating the tear secretion to achieve balanced, sustainable tears from inside out. Learn more.

TheraLife Fatigue delivers more oxygen to the brain, promotes alertness without caffeine, stay focused at work, and be able to sleep better at night. Learn more!

Which product is best for me?

For those who have an existing dry eye condition and are already using TheraLife Eye Enhanced - try to increase the dosage.

For those who would like to try TheraLife Eye Enhanced for Dry Eye, Please visit for additional information.

Check out some of our all natural products for muscle pain relief:

TheraLife Wrist -
TheraLife Back and Leg
TheraLife Neck and Shoulder

Doctors Recommended: 80% success for First Time Users. 
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