Why are Dry Eyes so Traumatic in Winter?
the midst of winter weather, we will see an increasing amount of
episodic dry eye. Symptoms tend to emerge with the dry winter air, using
defrosters in cars, and the blasting heat in our homes and businesses.
This can affect all of your people with dry eyes, but in particular
exacerbate those marginal dry eye people by increasing the stress on
the surface pof your eyes. These episodic dry eye people will sometimes chose not to treat because of several reasons: it’s not time for their eye exam when
the symptoms are occurring, or the symptoms come and go and are
forgotten at the time of the eye exam. QuestionnairesIt is so important to evaluate episodic dry eye through a questionnaire. Whether it is the Standard Patient Evaluation of Eye Dryness (SPEED) by Johnson & Johnson Tear Science or the Ocular Surface Disease Index (OSDI) by Allergan Pharmaceuticals, a questionnaire should be utilized to identify those patients experiencing occasional episodes of dry eye.This way, dry eyes can begin treatment at an earlier point, before the disease process continues to evolve and becomes a full-time affliction. Inflammation begets more inflammation and without taking action to address the inflammation we know clinically the disease process has a tendency to progress. Early IdentificationEarlier identification, even if the patient decides not to pursue treatment, will advise that you have identified a condition that is in need of dry eye treatment and is likely to progress if not addressed. people need to hear that the eye doctors have identified a potentially progressive disease process, Earlier treatment usually leads to quicker results with less intervention, as in almost any disease process. Identifying lid disorders such as MGD ( Medibomian Gland Dysfunction - clogging of the oil glands at the eye lids) at an earlier point will almost always be easier to treat with fairly minimal treatments such as warm compress (Bruder or Gel Masks) ), as well as a good lid hygiene product (Avenova). Using a good supplement to address inflammation and increase tear production such as an Omega 6/Omega3 combination (Theralife Eye capsules) will also be great entry-level treatment. Some eye doctors will use a therapeutic such as Xiidra (Shire) or Restasis (Allergan) will also address the inflammation in a rapid manner. Getting episodic dry eye disease under control is key. Learn more about TheraLife. Help restore and revive your own tears for sustainable relief all day long. No more drops. Call Toll Free 1-877-917-1989 US/Canada |
Are your eyes killing you this winter? Find out why from TheraLife. Restore and Revive- Relief with your own tears.