Monday, January 8, 2018

What Causes Watery Dry Eyes?

What Causes Watery Dry Eyes? 

Do you have watery eyes?  Yet your eye doctor tells you that you have dry eyes.  How can that be?

Frustrated?  Learn what causes watery eyes and how TheraLife can help. 

Reasons for your watery eyes

You probably had dry eyes for a long time, and your eyes did not get relief.  Now your have Reflux tears to help you provide moisture for dry eye relief.  Unfortunately, reflux tears ( the tear your cry with) is of poor quality.  Not thick enough to protect your eyes, making your eyes drier and drier.  This is similar to frequent use of eye drops, washing away your natural lubricants your eyes produce. 

Causes for watery eyes

1.  Allergies - especially seasonal allergies.  Allergies to pollen, dust mites, pet dander etc. will cause eyes to water.  Best remedy is to use an over the counter anti-histamine like Claritin or Zertac.  Consult your allergist about desensitization if your allergy is more serious.

2.  Blocked tear ducts- tear ducts are too narrow or blocked due to inflammation or swelling.  Eye infection can cause watery eyes afterwards.

3. Chronic dry eyes - dry eyes left untreated for a long time causing you to produce reflux tears.  Reflux tears ( the tear you cry with ) are of poor quality and serves to wash your eye balls clear of natural lubricants causing your tears to evaporate too quickly.  This is similar to using too many eye drops.

Treatment your Watery Dry Eyes with TheraLife Eye

TheraLife Eye stimulate your tear secretion glands to over come inflammation and restore normal function- resulting in balanced sustainable tears all day long.  Get relief today.

Watery dry eyes will take longer to relief because we need to first treat your dry eyes, then train your brain not to cry.  Call us for more details 1-877-917-1989

1 comment:

  1. Are you frustrated with your watery eyes? TheraLife can help. Call toll free 1-877-917-1989
