Thursday, February 8, 2018

Cheaper Way to Unclog Meibomian Oil Glands- Debridement Scaling

Cheaper Way To Unclog Meibomian Oil Glands- Debridement Scaling

Clogged meibomian glands is a major problem in people with chronic dry eye disease. The meibomian glands gets inflamed and clog up the pores to prevent lubricants from flowing.  

At TheraLife, we recommended the following regimen to treat MGD:

11. TheraLife Eye to revitalize tear secretion glands, including meibomian glands.  -
22.     Hot compress- twice a day, 10 minutes each time, followed by eye lid cleansing.  
33. Use steroid drops to stop inflammation when the condition becomes severe. 
Yourt eye doctor may recommend IPL (Intense Pulse Light) or LipiFlow- both are 10 minute heat treatment for your eye lids, costs not covered by your health insurance.   If your oil glands are severely clogged, these procedures may not work for you.  We recommend you find out how severely clogged your oil glands are before spending the money.

You may want to consider Lid Margin Debridement - an inexpensive way to unclog oil glands.

Over time, the meibomian glands tend to accumulate dead epithelial cells (just like dead skin cells) around the eye lid, making it impossible for the natural lubricants to flow out.

Lid Margin Debridement - Scraping and cleaning meibomian glands

Watch a video on lid margin debridement

This  new simple procedure uses a lid paddle to gently scrap along the eye lids to remove the dead epithelial cells and open up the meibomian glands.  One maybe able to see the fluid flow out immediately.

At ARVO meeting 2013, a small study by Drs. Caroline Blackie and Donald Korb was presented on lid margin debridement.  At one month post-treatment, patients reported a significant improvement in dry eye symptoms.  The researchers showed there is an increase in the number of functional meibomian glands. This appears to be a promising development in MGD therapy

  TherraLife Can Help

 Try using TheraLife Eye to keep all your tear secretion glands open and healthy.  Stop the vicious cycle of dry eyes, inflammation and inactive tear secretion glands.  Get your life back on track today.

Buy Now

Call and talk to a doctor toll free 1-877-917-1989 US/Canada, International  (650) 949-6080, email:

1 comment:

  1. You have Blepharitis/MGD, consider a cheap way of unclogging- debridement scaling. Learn more from TheraLife
