Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Dry Eyes & Joint Pain in Sjogren's, Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis

Joint pain are very common in primary Sjogren’s Syndrome and often related to a mild inflammatory arthritis, affecting in particular the small joints of the fingers, wrists, and ankles.  Some Sjogren's people have more severe forms of arthritis, with features of rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus with Joint Pain.

TheraLife Autoimmune formula is effective in reducing the frequency of joint flares and control joint pain and stiffness.

Let’s examine the various joint pains associated with varies Sjogren’s Syndrome

A. Primary Sjogren’s Syndrome:
Joint pain can occur in the absence of rheumatoid arthritis ( RA factor of blood being negative)  in people with primary Sjogren’s Syndrome.

Some people with Sjogren’s Syndomre may have joint pain as a result of fibromyalgia.  However, fibrmyalgia arises from the muscles, which may be perceived as coming from the joints.  Fibromyalgia pain is present on a daily basis, with flares of increased joint pain triggered by increased exertion,  lack of sleep and stress.

B. Secondary Sjogren’s Syndrome:  Rheumatoid Arthritis and Lupus+ Sjogren’s
Secondary Sjogren’s  have an underlying systemic rheumatic disease, such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic  lupus erythematosus (Lupus), or scleroderma.  Arthritis is the main feature of these systemic rheumatic diseases.  The distinction between primary Sjogrens with arthritis and Sjogrens occurring in the setting of rheumatoid arthritis or systemic lupus is not easy.  Both  sets of people may have positive tests for rheumatoid factor ( RA) and antinuclear antibodies ( ANA), markers of RA and Lupus respectively.  In general, secondary Sjogrens  occurs in rheumatoid arthritis who have had the disease for many years.  Systemic lupus is diagnosed when certain types of medical problems occur together, such as specific  rashes, inflammation of the lung or heart lining, inflammation of the kidney (glomerulonephritis) and blood abnormalities ( low white counts, low platelets, or anemia).

C. Sicca Syndrome- dry eye/dry mouth
Some people have dryness of their eyes and mouth but do not have any signs of an underlying autoimmune disease.  Since they don’t have positive SS-A and /or SS-B antibodies and do not have  a positive lip biopsy.  They are often not labeled as Sjogren’s.  These people often have joint pain.
Natural Alternative Relief for Autoimmune Related Joint Pain:
  1. TheraLife Autoimmune –contain ingredients that: -   targets intracellular stimulation of both tear and salivary secretion glands.
    -  strongly regulates the immune system to control and reduce flares;
    -  strongly anti-inflammatory;
    -  all natural without the side effects of potent drugs.   See more details below.
  • Moist Heat to the hands with a paraffin bath can help relieve stiffness of the fingers and wrists in the morning
  • Gentle exercise, including Tah Chi, yoga and dancing can strengthen muscles and preserve joint range of motion.
  • Nutritional supplements, such as glucosamine or fish oils, also may help some people
  • Diet- use elimination diet to reveal certain food that aggravate joint pain.  Start with elimination of diary, bread, or excessive salt can reduce joint pain in some individuals.
To learn more how TheraLife Autoimmune works:  click here

I was diagnosed with Sjogrens Syndrome 4 years ago.  Nothing really
worked for me in the past, until a friend recommended me to TheraLife.
After 2 months, my eyes had improved so much.
- J.K. Reno, NV
I am a 45 yr old women who has Sjogrens Syndrome and Rheumatoid
Arthritis. I have had many eye ulcerations due to dry eyes. Ointments, all kinds of eye drops
were not helping. I could not stand to go outside due to the sensitivity to the sunlight, could not goto movies and was in constant pain.

I was desperate for relief of any kind. I came across Theralife on the internet
and thought why not give it a try! Within 3-4 weeks I noticed a difference.
It has improved my quality of life quite a bit. I'm so happy I found this product,
I can’t be without it.
! - D. , Billings, Montana

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