Do you have dry eyes or allergies?
So your eyes water, nose is running, eyes are red. Do you have allergies or just dry eyes?
It is known that 50% of people with rhinitis- have eye symptoms as well.
These ocular allergy typical symptoms include
- Puffy eye lids
- Red eyes
- Conjunctivitis - pink eye
- Watery itchy eyes
- Runny nose
- Sneezing
- Soar throat
- Cough
Ocular allergy (OA) includes a group of common and less frequent hypersensitivity disorders frequently misdiagnosed and not properly managed. The diagnosis of OA is usually based on clinical history and signs and symptoms. However, at the eye doctor's offices, specific identifications of which substance causes your allergies are not available, until now.
In-office allergy testing is a way to help diagnose allergy and take charge of the patient’s care. The FDA- approved in-office Doctor's Rx Allergy Formula (Bausch & Lomb) is an objective diagnostic test providing eye care providers a diagnostic tool for allergies. This allows the practitioner the ability to rule in or out the role of perennial or seasonal allergies. It takes less than five minutes to test the patient to a panel of 60 allergens, region-specific, with results in 10-15 minutes. It is easy to read the skin reaction to see what the patient has an IgE response to and guide treatment to include education to avoid the allergens, as well provide topical therapies to alleviate ocular symptoms. If the results are negative, then full steam ahead tackling the beast of dry eye disease.
TheraLife Eye Can Help
TheraLife Eye formula treats both dry eyes and allergies. All natural, restore and revive your normal tear production. Relief dry eyes with y our own tears, no more drops.
TheraLife Eye is a patented formula that goes intra-cellularly to boost cellular functions, revitalize and control allergy symptoms. Best of both worlds.
To learn more click here