How To Manage Dry Eyes At Night
Are you getting up putting eye drops in through out the night? Waking up in the morning with eye lids stuck together
(Blepharitis) ? This type of morning dryness is actually a result of night time dry eye syndrome.
What is Night Time Dry Eye Syndrome?
For many chronic dry eye sufferers experience extremely dry and painful eyes at night which requires frequent use of eye drops through out the night, disturbing sleep and causing fatigue the following day.
In the morning, if your eye lids are stuck together that required washing eyes with saline, warm water to open. This crusty build up on the eye lid is a sign of Blepharitis. Belpharitis can be effectively treated with antibiotics plus daily eye lid cleaning. Use TheraLife Eye to activate your tear secretion glands and produce balanced sustainable tears all day long.
Causes of Night Time Dry Eyes?
- Partially open eye lids allowing tears to evaporate at night
- Lower body temperature and metabolism resulting in delivering less nutrients and blood to the eye
- Decreased tear production as a result of a lower body metabolism
- Allergens in the bedroom that may cause dry eyes such as; sheets, pillows, dust mites, pet fur, and pollens you brought with you from outside
What to do to Relief Night Time Dry Eye Syndrome
1. Take 4 capsules of TheraLife Eye Enhanced right at bedtime.
2. Use a humidifier in the bedroom to provide more moisture
-3.Avoid sleeping under a heater or air vent
-4.Avoid sleeping in the direct path of a fan
-5. Use preservative-free nighttime eye gels or ointments that protect the eye if you must.
-6.Use night time goggles or masks with moisture pads to prevent tear evaporation
-7. A good home alternative for the goggles is to take two cotton discs, run them under cool tap water and use surgical or athletic tape and tape them over your eyes at night. The moisture pads create a barrier that protect your eyes and prevent excessive tear evaporation. If this improves your night time dryness, consider investing in some night time hydration goggles.
How Can TheraLife Eye Enhanced help?
TheraLife® Eye Enhanced works by increasing intra-cellular metabolism (Mito-Activation), membrane permeability and blood micro circulation. This enables the Eye Enhanced to stimulate tear secretion glands to produce its own balanced sustainable tears all day long.
Taking TheraLife Eye Enhanced capsules before bedtime can often relieve night time dry eye symptoms.
To learn more about Chronic Dry Eye Solutions, please go to:
click here
Talk to a doctor: Call toll free 1-877-917-1989: US & Canada
International (650- 949-6080)
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