Thursday, December 4, 2014

Are Blepharitis, Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome Related?

Yes, you guessed it.

Blepharitis,  Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and chronic dry eye syndrome are all related. 

High percentage of the people with chronic dry eyes have this condition. Neither they or their eye doctors know it.

It is one of the most difficult dry eye conditions to treat.

Common symptoms of this condition include dry, red, swollen and irritated eye lids, and in most cases, crust build up (Blepharitis) on your eye lids.  This sticky materials attract bacteria, mites which in turn causes eye infections and inflammation.

You can use eye drops, hot compress,  eye lid cleanser, and your eyes are still red, dry, crusty, and irritable.

What causes Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction?

Blepharitis is a chronic condition caused by inflammation of your eye lids.  Meibomian glands (oil glands) produce lubricants to thicken tears. Constant inflammation from dry eyes and blepharitis causes  Meibomian gland to shut down.  Some people are more prone to meibomian gland dysfunction than others- skin type, composition of blood all contributes to clogging, just like pimples.

Common causes of Blepharitis include:
  • Age
  • Allergy
  • Immune system problems -e.g. Sjogrens
  • Hormone changes
  • Bacteria- eye infections treated with antibiotics.
  • Dermatitis (rosacea, dandruff,) sometimes allergies.
  • Demodex- mites growing on eye lashes
Typical Treatments  for Blepharitis and Meibomian Gland Dysfunction are:

1. Eye lid cleaning- hygiene is most important.

2. Wet hot compress to loosen meibomian gland clogging daily.  gently massage both upper and lower eye lids after wards

3. Prescription antibiotic eye drop. or low dose oral antibiotics.

4. Steroid eye drops e.g. Lotemax, Predforte, FML
What does your eye care doctor look for?

During and exam, the eye specialist usually looks a the patient’s eyes through a slit lamp, a microscopy-like instrument, to view the eye in more detail. In people with Meibomian Gland Dysfunction( MGD), the doctor will see plugged glands and thickened secretions. The doctor also will see very rapid tear film breakup (Tear Breakup Test of 5 seconds or less), a tell tail sign of MGD.  Ask your eye doctor to express the meibomian glands and tell you what comes out.  Descriptions should be clear, cloudy, tooth paste or nothing comes out.  Clear is normal.  cloudy and tooth paste may be able to melt with consistent daily use of hot compresses.  Athrophied meibomian glands may require surgical procedures.

Unfortunately, Blepharitis tends to recur. And this condition can be very frustrating!

How can TheraLife Eye Help?

TheraLife Eye is effective in reducing inflammation and stimulates tear flow for chronic dry eye relief. Often people with chronic dry eyes also have Blepharitis. Treating chronic dry eyes reduces the inflammation, and also helps to reduce the recurrence of blepharitis. It is highly recommended that those who have Blepharitis stay on TheraLife Eye long term to increase the rate of success.

To learn more about

Blepharitis click here: 

Meibomian gland dysfunction click here 

Chronic Dry Eye Syndrome: click here.

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Thursday, October 23, 2014

Should you be on the Paleo Diet for Autoimmune Diseases?

The Paleo diet is designed for people with autoimmune disorders, such as Hashimoto's Thyroiditis., Sjogren's Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus and more.  

It is not easy trying to stay on this diet because you are not allowed any diary, nuts, gluten, preservatives. It is totally different way of living.  

For those who want to try, please consult your physician.   

However, it maybe worth a try if you do have autoimmune disorders.

Here are some details of this diet-  Completely eliminate-
  • Eggs (especially the whites)
  • Nuts
  • Seeds (including cocoa, coffee and seed-based spices)
  • Nightshades - because they contain azo dyes which some people are sensitive to.  eg potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, sweet and hot peppers, cayenne, red pepper, tomatillos, goji berries etc. and spices derived from peppers, including paprika
  • Potential Gluten Cross-Reactive Foods
  • Fructose consumption in excess of 20g per day
  • Alcohol
  • NSAIDS (like aspirin or ibuprofen)
  • Non-nutritive sweeteners (use honey, maple syrup instead)
  • Emulsifiers, thickeners, and other food additives
Eating more of the following:
  • organ meat and offal (aim for 5 times per week, the more the better)
  • fish and shellfish (wild is best, but farmed is fine) (aim for at least 3 times per week, the more the better)–
  • vegetables of all kinds, as much variety as possible and the whole rainbow, aim for 8-14 cups per day
    • Green vegetables
    • Colorful vegetables and fruit (red, purple, blue, yellow, orange, white)
    • Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cabbage, kale, turnips, arugula, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, watercress, mustard greens, etc.)
    • Sea vegetables (excluding algae like chlorella and spirulina which are immune stimulators)
  • quality meats (grass-fed, pasture-raised, wild as much as possible) (poultry in moderation due to high omega-6 content unless you are eating a ton of fish)
  • quality fats (pasture-raised/grass-fed animal fats [rendered or as part of your meat], fatty fish, olive, avocado, coconut, palm [not palm kernel])
  • fruit (keeping fructose intake between 10g and 20 g daily)
  • probiotic foods (fermented vegetables or fruit, kombucha, water kefir, coconut milk kefir, coconut milk yogurt, supplements)–read about them here and here.
  • glycine-rich foods (anything with connective tissue, joints or skin, organ meat, and bone broth
healthyeyeTo control autoimmune dry eyes - use TheraLife Eye Autoimmune
This is a patent protected formula to relief dry eyes and regulate the immune system to reduce flares.
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Friday, July 25, 2014

What kind of sunglasses should you chose to protect your vision?

Sunglasses can protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays (UV) and high-energy visible light -- light from the blue part of the spectrum, implicated in cataracts and retina damage.

Wrap around protective sunglasses also shield away wind and sunlight that affects people with dry eyes.

Here are some tips when you chose sunglasses.

Claims. Labels for sunglasses are not regulated and are often inconsistent and confusing. A sticker that says "blocks UV" or "UV-absorbent" is meaningless because it doesn't tell you how much UV is blocked. Sunglasses with stickers that claim to block a specific percentage of UV, such as "99% to 100% UV absorbent."  is a better choice

Are darker sunglasses better?   Darker lenses don't mean better UV protection. Unless darker lenses are fabricated to block UV, they can be more harmful than wearing no sunglasses. That is because they cause pupils to dilate, allowing more UV light into the eyes. Lenses should be dark enough so that you can't see your eyes when looking in the mirror, but light enough to see curbs, stoplights and stairs.

How much should you pay?   It's possible to find great, protective sunglasses in the $20 to $60 range. More expensive sunglasses are not necessarily better, but super-cheap sunglasses (less than $20) are less likely to offer adequate protection.

healthyeyebuttonDry eyes, get relief with TheraLife Eye.
TheraLife is an all natural formula that restores your tear secretion glands to relief dry eyes with your own balanced sustainable tears all day long.

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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

New Study Indicate Omega 3 May Help Wet Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration creates vision problems especially when there is a macular hole- as depicted in the photo above where one cannot see the image at the center vision field.  This significantly impairs quality of life.

We macular degeneration is when the eye starts bleeding due to the fragile blood vessels in the eye, which can cause total blindness if left untreated.

A new study shows that omega-3 fatty acids could help with wet macular degeneration. Macular degeneration is expected to increase by fifty percent (50%) in older adults in industrialized countries by 2020. As the leading cause of vision loss in the elderly, it is a condition of serious significance. The macula is the central part of the retina.  It is responsible for the central vision. The retina is a thin layer of nerves and visual receptors at the back of the eye that is composed of rods and cones. It transmits visual signals to the brain. It is supported by the choroid, a network of blood vessels that feed and nourish the retina.

There are two forms of macular degeneration: wet and dry. In wet macular degeneration the main cause of vision loss is the growth of new blood vessels (neovascularization) in the choroid. These new blood vessels are fragile and leak blood, adding debris that clouds the retina and sometimes results in a retinal detachment. One potential treatment for wet macular degeneration is reducing neovascularization (new blood vessels) with a series of injections such as Lucentis, Avestin or Eylea. These are shots directly into the eye ball.

A new in vivo study shows that omega-3 fatty acids can radically reduce neovascularization in the choroid. The effect seems to be the result of metabolites of omega-3 fatty acids produced by the cytochrome P450 enzyme system. Mice fed omega-3′s had statistically significant lower rates of neovascularization. This offers promising hope for those suffering from wet macular degeneration, which comprises about 10% of all AMD cases.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found most plentifully in fish oil and krill oil, which is readily available in health food stores. There are vegetarian versions as well through algae sources.

Here are the references for this article.
Study: Cytochrome P450-generated metabolites derived from ω-3 fatty acids attenuate neovascularization, PNAS,

Learn more about macular degeneration. Click here

Anti-Aging, Preserve and Improve Vision

It is believed that macular degeneration is a caused at least in part by accumulation of unwanted proteins, lipids and debris in the eye.

TheraLife MaculaEye formula works to improve the integrity of the retina membrane by preserving and improving permeability to optimize fluid and protein transport.

This facilitates the transport of unwanted lipids, proteins out of the eye in order to improve and prevent vision loss.

Preserve Your Vision With MaculaEye

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Thursday, July 17, 2014

Elimination Diet to Relief Allergy Dry Eyes

Colorful fresh group of vegetables and fruits

Some of our customer who use TheraLife Eye has an allergy component to their dry eye syndrome.  Here is a story from one of our customers who used an elimination diet to further improve her dry eye relief while taking TheraLife Eye on daily basis. 

Here is her story

I have been taking TheraLife Eye for 4 years now.  I have allergies and my eyes are always itchy.  Recently, I tried and Elimination Diet which gave me further improvement.
This diet includes, No Gluten, No refined sugar, No dairy, and No caffeine. Also No GMO corn products. After two weeks on the diet, I had an appreciative change in my eye health - No redness, always moist and no itching senzation. This diet is not difficult to follow as one may think because  many restaurants provide great choices nowadays to allow you to stay on this diet, including Starbucks with no caffeine passion ice tea.   I continue to take TheraLife Eye for dry eye relief.  Adding this diet allowed me to be allergy free.
KA  Thousand Oaks, CA

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Punctal Plugs for Dry Eye Treatment- Pros and Cons

Your eye doctor may want to put Punctal plugs in your eyes as a form of dry eye relief.

You may want to be aware of some facts before getting them put into your eyes.

What are Punctal Plugs?

Punctal plugs are designed to plug up the tear ducts to stop the drainage of tears into your sinus.  Punctal plugs are often used for people who do not respond to eye drops.

Tear ducts function by providing drainage for debris and bacteria to drain and clean the eye.

There are two types of punctal plugs
1. Temporary- dissolves by itself in 5-7 days.  Good for a test run to see if it works.  If it is effective, relief should be instant.

2. Permanent -

3.  Cauterization of tear ducts- done surgically for people who are allergic to punctal plug materials for tear duct badly damaged.  This process is irreversible.

Tear ducts function by providing drainage for debris and bacteria to drain and clean the eye.

Possible outcomes by of punctal plugs:

Punctal plugs work well for people who has enough tears to be shored up.  For those whose Schirmer's test is less than 5mm- there may not be enough tears to shore up.  Punctal plugs are then not effective.

1. When the tear ducts are plugged, the accumulation of bacteria and dirt increase the chances for eye infections

2. Some people experience irritation, swelling, due to allergic reactions to the punctal plug materials.

3. Punctal plugs can be removed by flushing with saline.

4. Punctal plugs often fall out by themselves.- 50% during the first year.

Why punctal plugs do not always work for chronic dry eye?

For people with severe chronic dry eyes, there are simply not enough tears to shore up, therefore, punctal plugs are not enough!

How does your tear secretion glands work?
There are two important tear secretion glands that need to work simultaneously in order to relief dry eye symptoms.
1. Lacrimal gland which secretes tear volume located at the upper outer corner of your eye lids
2. Meibomian gland which secrete mucin, lipids, and proteins to thicken the tear.

Both glands must function together in order to provide tear with the right thickness (viscosity) and tear volume to provide comfort.

How can TheraLife Eye help?
TheraLife® Eye works by restoring normal cell functions to both lacrimal and meibomian glands.  The result is balanced, sustainable tears from your own eye to provide comfort all day long.   Learn more

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Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Menopause, Major Cause of Dry Eyes in Women

Ever heard of this comment- All of a sudden I have dry eyes.  I was fine before.  What is happening to me?

Onset of menopause causes dry eyes in more than 60% of the women over the age of 50. 

All at once, hormone levels start to drop - hormone imbalance is the key reason for dry eyes.  Symptoms of menopause including hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, mood swings, fatigue, headaches and of course dry eyes.  The eyes feel dry, itchy, red, irritated and light sensitive.

Eye Drops

The most common solution for dry eyes remains to be eye drops.  Soon you will realize the more drops you use, drier your eyes become.  When using eye drops, the eyes become conditioned to secrete less tears and become drier.  On the other hand, artificial tears wash away the natural lubricant secreted from the oil glands (meibomian glands) to thicken tears.  Using eye drops is just like rinsing one's eye balls under a faucet.

Punctal Plugs

Another conventional approach is to block the eyes tear drainage system (punctal plugs) at the lower eyelids or sometimes both lower and upper eyelids.  In some cases, the drainage is permanently cauterized surgically in order to shore up tears to provide comfort.  In most cases, the plugs fall out, and the chances of eye infections increase due to poor drainage.

For moderate to severe dry eyes, very often, a prescription eye drop is used.  When patients have tried all these approaches and their eyes still hurt that is where TheraLife Eye Enhanced can help.

Why TheraLife Enhanced Dry Eye?

TheraLife Eye Enhanced is targeted to normalize tear glands cell functions intra-cellulary in order to secrete sustainable, balanced, natural tears.  It does  this by an intra-cellular mechanism called Mito-Activiation where intra-cellular activities increase thus restore its normal function. 

TheraLife has conducted clinical trials in patients with various dry eye and medical conditions with amazing results.  86% of the patients see improvement after a 3 months trial.

Hormone Balance is Vital to Menopausal Dry Eye in Women.

Menopausal dry eye is usually initiated by hormone imbalance.  For this reason, TheraLife sought for a natural product that will help achieve hormone balance during dry eye therapy in conjunction with TheraLife Eye Enhanced.

TheraLife Eye- Women’s Menopausal Support Formula is formulated to the exacting specifications of certified nutritionists. It contains recommended potencies of key ingredients, Black Cohosh plus soy isoflavones are combined with essential nutrients like calcium, folic acid, and B-vitamins, that have been shown to support normal hormonal levels during menopause. This synergistic blend includes standardized herbal extracts and other nutrients which, together, form a truly well-balanced and effective product for women. an all-natural, herbal supplements made with natural ingredients to provide natural menopause symptom relief including dry eyes.  These work naturally in the body to reduce hot flashes, night sweats, and other menopausal symptoms.

Recommended Dosage TheraLife Eye-  Women’s Menopause Support:

TheraLife recommends 3 capsules/day of the TheraLife Dry Eye- Women’s Menopausal Support formula  to produce optimum dry eye relief, taken along with TheraLife Eye Enhanced capsules serves to speed up recovery


TheraLife Eye –Women’s Menopausal Support product has been tested to meet the highest standards. There are no known major side effects from the recommended use of TheraLife Menopausal
Support.  It does not contain artificial dyes, colors, preservatives, flavors, yeast, wheat, gluten, or lactose. Our top priority is our customers' safety and satisfaction.

In addition to TheraLife Eye Enhanced, ThearaLife Eye- Women’s Menopause Support, we also recommend Primrose Oil and Fish Oil.  See section under Total Support for Menopause Dry Eye.

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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Dry Eyes Rank Highest in Patient Complaints.

Complaints for dry eyes rank highest in the eye doctor’s offices compare to all other ailments.

Some interesting summaries reported by  the “Industry News” article  AOA News

1) About half of all adults (48%) in United States experience one or more dry eye symptom(s) on daily basis.  That means out of 300 million people in United States, 144 million experience dry eye symptoms.  This can be expanded to 360 million worldwide-  2.5 times US statistics. 

2) Ninteen Percent ( 19%) of women age 55 and older have experienced dry eye symptoms for more than 10 years.  This is now a chronic condition.

3) More than half (69%) who experience one or more dry eye symptom(s) have not visited an eye doctor to treat these symptoms.

4) Of those who visited an eye doctor , nineteen percent (19% ) visited more than once before finding relief and 22% reported that they still have not found relief.

The statistics are staggering.  Prolonged dry eyes not treated can lead to cornea damage and pain.

Dry eye syndrome can impact quality of life, productivity,  ability to work and can cause depression, plus other disorders.

The most common treatment has always been eye drops with or without preservatives.  Some use eye drops as often as every hour, and their eyes become drier and drier over time.

At the center of the problem s "inflammation" which  causes the tear secretion glands to shut down, eye drops only provide superficial temporary relief on the surface.  The underlying cause of dry eyes is under active tear secretion glands.
 It is time you take your dry eye relief into your own hands

How can TheraLife Help?

TheraLife Eye addresses the underlying cause of dry eyes from inside out.  It revitalizes your tear secretion glands for you to produce your own tears.

In clinical trials, 80% of first time users experience relief.  Tear is balanced, sustainable and long lasting.
TheraLife Eye is all natural, effective and 100% money back guarantee.

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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

State of Dry Eye Management in Doctor's Offices.

eye check up
Many dry eye customers come to TheraLife relating the fact that they have gone to their eye doctor's, and not getting relief.  This research study was performed to see what the perceptions are of the dry eye disease in current clinical practices.

Goal of the study - to assess the perceptions of eye care providers regarding the clinical management of dry eye.

Survey  Method - Invitations to complete a 17-question online survey to 400 members of the North Carolina Ophthalmology and Optometry Associations including community optometrists, comprehensive ophthalmologists, and cornea specialists.

1. Burning- most often complained symptom.
2. Foreign Body Sensation.
3. Watery eyes- yes, watery dry eyes

Treatment Recommendations
1. Artificial Tears - most often recommended.
2. Cyclosporin A
High rate of failure is observed using eye drops.  The reason being, frequent use of eye drops make your eyes drier.

Other diseases or disorders seen in the dry eye population

1. Rheumatoid arthritis,
2. Sjögren syndrome,
3. Anxiety and depression,
5. Smoking,
6. Thyroid Diseases

The ability to diagnose and manage dry eye disease in clinical practices vary.  Diagnoses is mostly based on medical history rather than objective, measurable tests.
Eye drops do not work for a large percentage of dry eye sufferers.
Burning is the most frequent complaint from dry eye customers in a doctor's offices.

This is an abstract from Opthalmology Management
Williamson JF, Huynh K, Weaver MA, Davis RM. Eye Contact Lens. 2014 Mar;40(2):111-5.

healthyeyebuttonGet TheraLife Eye for natural dry eye relief from inside out.  Relief dry eyes with your own tears.  Not an eye drop.  Sustainable, balanced, your own tears.

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Monday, May 5, 2014

Chalazion, Demodex and Blepharitis in Chronic Dry Eye Disease.

Chalazion is a lump that looks like a pimple formed at the eye lid.  It is caused by lipogranulomatous inflammation of the meibomian gland. Due to the infiltration of giant cells in this chronic inflammatory granuloma.   It is suspected that chalazion may be caused by a host response to foreign material derived from several pathogens, including mites residing on eye lashes.  . 

Prevalence in younger patients, less than 20 years of age is about 13 to 20% .  In older people this increases to approaches to 95 to 100% by age of 70 years.1-3 A few reports have described the presence of mites in tissue sections of a surgical specimen4 and in lashes of an adult patient with chalazia.5 Recently, a research study by Yam and co-workers conducted a retrospective study that reported a high incidence (72.9%) of Demodex infestation in 30 adult patients with recurrent chalazia.6

New research in a prospective, observational, comparative study that looked at patients with chalazia and compared them with age and gender matched patients without chalazia.7  The results indicates all patients with chalazia underwent surgical removal of the lipogranulomatous lump.  This study showed Demodex infestation was significantly more prevalent in patients with chalazia than in control patients as a group (69.2% vs 20.3%) . Demodicosis was associated strongly with chalazia. Demodex brevis was significantly more prevalent than Demodex folliculorum in patients with chalazia. Patients with Demodex infestation tended to show recurrence, mainly in those with Demodex brevis.

This study indicates that ocular demodicosis is a risk factor for chalazia. Although crusts and debris on eyelashes is often a sign of Demodex infestation,

Treatment for Chalazion is hot compress – 4-5 times/day.  10-20 minutes each time. Plus using dilute tea tree oil to get rid of the eye lash mites.

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Friday, April 25, 2014

Research Indicates More Dry Eyes from Digital Media

The Vision Council Examines the Impact of Digital Media on Vision Health 
The Vision Council released a report that indicates nearly 70% of U.S. adults experience eye strain from using digital devices - including computers, tablets and smartphones. Yet, about half of adults don't know how to or have never tried to reduce their visual discomfort. As the market experiences a surge in high technology-related digital device purchases, computer glasses and other "eyegonomic" techniques are encouraged to minimize strain.
The Vision Council describes digital eye strain as the physical discomfort experienced after two or more hours in front of a digital screen. Symptoms typically include dry, red or irritated eyes; blurred vision; fatigued eyes; back, neck or shoulder pain; and/or headaches. While not permanent, digital eye strain can be painful and irritating and often affects work productivity.
In addition to tiring the eye's focusing system, many digital devices emit high-energy visible (HEV) or blue light, which may have long-term effects on vision health. Research suggests that overexposure to HEV light can damage the retina and increase the likelihood and severity of eye disorders such as age-related macular degeneration and cataracts. However, The Vision Council finds that six in 10 adults are unaware of the harmful consequences of HEV light.
To view or download a copy of DigitEYEzed: The Daily Impact of Digital Screens on the Eye Health of Americans, visit The Vision Council online at
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Vision strain and fatigue often lead to chronic dry eyes.  TheraLife Eye is clinically proven to restore tear secretion naturally with lasting results.  Get relief today!
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Monday, April 7, 2014

How To Do Eye Lid Cleaning for Blepahritis Treatment

Blepharitis is defined as the inflammation of the eye lid.

One of the major cause is sticky crusty build up on the eye lid that attracts dirt and bacteria, causing eye infections, and irritations.  Eye lid hygiene is a key factor for recovery.

Baby shampoo has often recommended in cleaning eyelids due to its gentle surfactant nature and affordability. However, for people with eye lid disease, baby shampoo may not be sufficiently to reduce the microbial load.

There are a number of commercial products available as a foam or pre-moistened wipes. Despite the significant overlap in their formulations, they all have a few key ingredients that are different from baby shampoo. When you have blepharitis, frothy tears, small marginal infiltrates, etc., try one of these products listed below:

1. SteriLid contains linalool, which is thought to condition the skin and maintain oils that have antimicrobial properties. Tea tree oil and sodium perborate, a preservative, both may, further reduce the bacterial load.

2.OCuSOFT Lid Scrub products are marketed as Original for mild to moderate disease or Plus for moderate to severe disease. These products contain 1,2-hexanediol and 1,2-octanediol, which can penetrate bacterial cell membranes, induce cellular leakage, and thus provide antibacterial properties.

3. Systane Lid Wipes contain benzyl alcohol, which is traditionally used as a preservative, though it may function to reduce bacterial counts when applied to the lid.

Since surfactant cleansers are capable of drying the skin, oil-based cleansers may be a reasonable alternative for some patients. Mineral oil is well tolerated and an excellent skin moisturizer that is capable of removing make-up and lash debris. (Personal testimonial: I have been using a mineral oil-based emollient to remove eye make-up for 15 years!) The antimicrobial effects of coconut oil have been well documented, and its extracts are found in each of the lid scrubs discussed above. Dilute tea tree oil shampoo can also be used, but take caution as it may cause irritation and is not recommended for children or pregnant women. So, help your blepharitis patients in reducing bacterial overgrowth of the eyelids; abandon the baby shampoo and recommend one of these more effective products.

To control inflammation and reduced tear production in Blepharitis - Use TheraLife Eye. 

TheraLife Eye are capsules that restore tear secretions intracellularly so you can get long lasting sustainable relief all day long.

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